Bhagya Lakshmi 28th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Malishka blames Lakshmi for Rohan’s accident

By Abhishek

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Lakshmi tells Neelam’s mother that she just pretends to love and Rohan is her son so if he loves someone she will know but Lakshmi does not love him and Rohan also calls her mother without any meaning. Yes, she says no one can love Rohan more than she does.

Then she realizes that Lakshmi is just acting. Neelam replies to Malishka that Lakshmi loves Rohan, while she advises Malishka not to worry about the court hearing and assures that she will handle it, Karishma makes Malishka trust Neelam Bhabhi. Asks her to do and not say anything otherwise their trust may be damaged, as they all know Lakshmi. Actually she loves Rohan like her own son. At the same time, Malishka should think about saying anything about Lakshmi and Rohan’s love in the future, Anushka tells Malishka what kind of magic Lakshmi has when Karishma is mother. Aunt does not love him but still leaves after praising him.

Rohan is playing on the stairs and Paru is sitting and playing the phone and asking him to be careful, Lakshmi comes and says that she has understood why parents are happy when children go to school, Paru replies. Gives that she is not like that but is very smart and even teaches Rohan, Lakshmi says she can see it and Paru has misspelled Dadi, Paru replies that she has taught Rohan and Tries to tell Rohan not to do this but he doesn’t listen, then Rohan assures that he will be fine. Lakshmi helps Rohan to get down from the railing and says that it is not right to do so, but Rohan says that he is very brave, Lakshmi says that he should use his strength in good things, Paru tells Lakshmi. That he has also seen plants for the fish tank, Lakshmi calls Paru so they both leave, Rohan sees the railing so tries to climb over it again but then his eyes fall on the cloth which he sees below him. Rohan slides down and says that he is a super hero however he falls from the railing, Malishka is stunned to see him and Lakshmi also doesn’t believe anything. Malishka and Lakshmi both run to him and plead that he should open his eyes, Paru was standing there when she starts crying, Lakshmi requests Rohan to open his eyes and says that her Lakshmi mother and Paru are also here. Are present. Lakshmi decides to take him to the hall, Malishka is searching the hall when she wonders why she can’t find water, she sees a saucer on the stove so she quickly rubs oil from it and then asks for water. Looks at the bottle.

Anushka asks what happened when Malishka tells that Rohan is badly hurt and asks everyone to come out. Lakshmi is also trying to be with Rohan when she wonders why Paru didn’t come and then starts calling her, Malishka finds time to rub oil on the shirt, Malishka tries to check the pulse on her hand. And wonders why he is there Malishka starts getting nervous when he doesn’t answer and Neelam also comes, Lakshmi tells that he has fainted so they all get worried and sit near him, Malishka puts her head on him and asks That how did she get hurt, Aanchal also asks Malishka how it happened but she blames Lakshmi being behind it, Dadi asks what she is saying, when Malishka tells that she was with Rohan, Neelam tells that they should take her to the room, Lakshmi tells that she has asked Paru to bring the phone. Malishka refuses to even touch Lakshmi when she replies that she has also considered Rohan as her son, she says that a mother can do anything for her children but Malishka blames Lakshmi for this condition of Rohan. Keeps blaming.

Dadi asks Malishka to stop saying that everyone has seen how much she loves Rohan, Malishka keeps denying it while Neelam also says that they have seen how much she loves Rohan, Malishka asks. Why does Lakshmi pretend to be a good mother so she says she is not a good person, Lakshmi warns Malishka not to question her motherhood as she will not tolerate it.

Lakshmi replies that it is her belief because God knows she has not taken a step back from being a mother to Rohan too, she is not lying because she considers Rohan as her son because she feels that. Rohan is her own son, she feels so but Malishka replies that it is not so, Lakshmi replies that this cannot diminish her feelings towards her, Malishka warns Lakshmi to stop this act, Neelam scolds Malishka. Stopped by saying that she may disagree with many things of Lakshmi but it is not that she can harm the children, Malishka replies that she has proof that all this has been done by Lakshmi, she shows the t-shirt and asks. As to where the stain came from, she says that Lakshmi is the one who threw the smoke which caused the accident. Malishka tells that Lakshmi is not a good mother due to which her son got this condition, Lakshmi warns Malishka not to question her being his mother as she knows it was just an accident, Malishka replies That she can provide even more evidence, saying it’s an accident. Black stain which occurs when wiped with a wet cloth, she says Lakshmi very easily tried to show it as an accident but then tried to harm her son, Lakshmi once again tries to argue But then Neelam scolds Lakshmi and says that Rohan has become in such a condition because of her, she asks how dare Lakshmi do this to their son and hurt him.

Rishi is in the meeting at the office but says it’s okay but it’s not something he wants, Rishi says it looks like a normal room but he wants something extra ordinary because everyone gives room and board to customers. But what can differentiate them from others, the designer is not able to understand when Rishi explains that he wants his hotel to be on the wish list of the customers and they feel that it is their second home, says Rishi That they want customers to feel like they are in their own home. Home, the designer says he also wants the same, Rishi says that when a person moves to another city he starts missing his home as he cannot find peace, even food or comfort in his home Is. Designer asks Rishi how will you reach the solution, Rishi says he has the solution for the food as he can ask the guests to tell their recipes and even the home cooks to give their suggestions . Ayush says that he has a photo for reference and then shows the photo to Rishi who is shocked to see it and then tells Ayush that it is good, the designer also demands the same but Ayush starts teasing Rishi. Gives and then leaves the designer office. Rishi asks Ayush why did he message Shalu and tell all this but Ayush starts smiling, Rishi gets a call from Paru who says that Rohan met with an accident after falling from the stairs, Rishi tells that they have come. So he asks Ayush to come.

Neelam questions Lakshmi how dare she hurt Rohan, but Lakshmi replies that she didn’t, Malishka says she is sure Lakshmi is behind Rohan’s accident, Neelam tells that she Dislikes Lakshmi for many reasons but cannot think like this. She can do this to children, Neelam replies Lakshmi pretends like she loves children a lot but she has done a lot wrong, Dadi asks if Neelam is saying the same thing when she replies That she has seen it with her own eyes, Aanchal tells Dadi that she does not understand why she likes Lakshmi so much that she does not consider anyone else honest, Aanchal says that Dadi should also see the evidence and what is in front of her. How can she not see it, Malishka says Dadi didn’t see it and says dust in the plate and then points towards the stain on Rohan’s shirt, Lakshmi gets worried.

Precap: Malishka says Lakshmi knows that she has a son so she is not able to see her happiness which is why she tried to hurt her son. Lakshmi requests that they should take Rohan to the hospital as the doctor did not come but Neelam also forbids Lakshmi from touching Rohan. Rishi warns Malishka not to question Lakshmi as she is the best mother. Doctor tells that they have to admit Rohan to the hospital as he is having internal bleeding, everyone is worried

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